Awakening to the Heart       A Mountain Sanctuary located in the White Mountains of New Hampshire
for Heart-Centered Community Gatherings & Events



Classes - Workshops - Events

Connecting People through their Hearts…

please Register in advance


World Labyrinth Day 

with Cynthia Scrimshaw

Saturday, May 3

11am - 3:00 pm 

$15-$25 suggested donation


* Registration is required for this event  


Intro to I Ching

with Adam Bauer

Saturday, May 10

1:00-4:00 pm  

$40-$60 sliding fee


Mountain Movement

with Becky Cyganiewicz

Saturday, May 17

  10 am - 12 pm

$15-$25 sliding fee



Sacred Geometry
for Managing Stress

Half Day Retreat

with Carol Ellis

Saturday, June 14


Sacred Cacao Cermony

Journey Within: Channeling, Cacao, Shamanic Healing

with Joan Ruffles

Saturday, May 31

10 am - 12 pm

$25-$45 sliding fee

(includes all materials)




Creating the Heart:

Drum Birthing Retreat

with Adhi Two Owls

Fri, June 20 - Sun, June 22

(includes all materials)

*Registration deadline is June 1

(register early - retreat is limited to 12)

Summer Solstice

Community Drum Circle

with Becky C

Sunday, June 22


Our Drum Circle will include the closing ceremony for the drum retreat.

All are welcome to join & celebrate!

Event is free 

Donations kindly accepted

Intuitive Expression
with Florals:

Cacao & Art from the Soul 

with Joan Ruffles

Saturday, August 16


Sunday, October 12

(Register for one or both!)

$25-$45 sliding fee
per workshop

$40-$80 sliding fee 

(for both)


Wellness Weekend

Todd Glacy, Helena Nash
Marni Prince & Jason Prince


August 22-24

 (more details soon)  


Healing Waters: 

a Fall Equinox Ritual 

with Carrie Grossman

Saturday, September 20

1:00-3:00 pm  

$30-$50 sliding fee



follow Awakening to the Heart on social media

Autumn Equinox

Community Drum Circle

with Becky C

Sunday, September 21

5:30 - 7 pm

Event is free
Donations kindly accepted

Instagram @awakeningtotheheart