Awakening to the Heart       A Mountain Sanctuary located in the White Mountains of New Hampshire
for Heart-Centered Community Gatherings & Events





Sound Healing

Finding Peace through the Divine Heart 

please Register in advance


           Interested in Group Meditation Practice?

 A Heart-Centered Open Sangha?


Audrey Drake Offerings

Kundalini Yoga

with Audrey Drake

Weekly on Mondays

5:00-6:00 pm ~ $20


Full Moon & New Moon
Sound Baths

with Audrey Drake

       Upcoming Sessions: 

   Full Moon: Thurs, February 13

  New Moon: Thurs, February 27 

                 7:30-8:30 pm   ~   $20 


Divine Play of Shakti Empowering Your Creativity

Angie Follensbee-Hall  & Josh Hall

Saturday, June 7

   3:00-4:30 pm 

$25-$35 sliding fee


Flowing Nectar

Yoga & Live Music

with Gina & Gershone

  Sunday, October 5 

2:30-4:00 pm 

$25-$35 sliding fee


follow Awakening to the Heart on social media

Instagram @awakeningtotheheart