Awakening to the Heart       A Mountain Sanctuary located in the White Mountains of New Hampshire
for Heart-Centered Community Gatherings & Events


Metta Labyrinth


What is a Labyrinth?

A labyrinth is a single winding path leading to a center. Unlike a maze, there are no dead ends. Whoever you are, walking the labyrinth has something to offer. The same path is followed when entering and leaving, but each experience in a labyrinth is unique. It is a personal journey in which one is free to walk at his or her own pace, to pause from time to time or to pass others along the way. If any guideline is given as a “rule” for walking, it would be a walk the labyrinth with an open heart.

“If you’re looking for a way to meditate or pray that engages your body as well as your soul the labyrinth provides such a path. When you just want reflective time away from your busy life the labyrinth can offer you time out. The labyrinth holds up a mirror, reflecting back to us not only the light of our finest selves, but also whatever restrains us from shining forth. When struggling with grief, anger, a challenge or illness, walking the labyrinth can point the way to healing and wholeness..”   ~ from Exploring the Labyrinth: A Guide for Healing and Spiritual Growth by Melissa Gayle West

Walking a labyrinth is a gift we give to ourselves—leading to discovery, insight, peacefulness, happiness, connectedness, and well-being. 

Metta Labyrinth

- a path for prayer and meditation;
a tool for transformation & healing; a walk with your soul -

The Building of Metta Labyrinth

- October 2018 -

First step: 

Open-hearted communication with Mother Nature,
dowsing the land to determine the best place for our labyrinth. 

                                               Then, Choosing the Sacred Design…

                                            Luna ll, Circular 7-Circuit       

                                                                 (adapted from Harmony Labyrinths - with a larger center)…

Building a Labyrinth has been a vision of Cynthia’s for many years.
With a little help from friends, it was manifested …

Click Here for A Guide to Walking Metta Labyrinth

Metta is loving-kindness... 

Most simply, Metta is the heartfelt wish for the well-being of oneself and others. 

Loving-kindness is closely related to the softening of the heart that allows us to feel empathy with the happiness and sorrow of the world. It begins with befriending ourselves, healing our own wounds, forgiving ourselves and others, finding joy, and coming to know our inner beauty and true nature. We then pray that others may receive the same.

Loving-kindness is also understood as the innate friendliness of an open heart.